To the question about the traditional parameters of linguisticessence of aphorism


  • М. D. Ablasanova Казахский государственный женский педагогическийуниверситет
        25 21


aphorism, lingvoaphorism, phenomenon of aphorism language // of speech, traditional definitions, lingva description.


Study of traditional parameters of linguistic essence аfaphorism comes forward as a dynamic aspect of languageand shows up in his main communicative function.Positions of functionallypragmatic aspect, that exposeмета языковую essence of concept of aphorism, areinvestigated in the article. Terminological definiteness ofreviewer essence of concept of aphorism is notdistinguished in linguistic literature. The concept ofaphorism is interpreted in different sources, but as a rule, alldefinitions do not interpret gnomic expression fully, and hisdifferential signs are designated as concepts of brevity,brevity, paradoxicality, sharp-cutness of form etc., that, cannevertheless to come forward as actually linguistic signs in strict sense ofthis word. By an obvious метаязыковым certificate provingthe existent tendency of study of aphorism, within theframework of общелингвистической theory, the reflection of concept of aphorism comes forward in differentencyclopaedias and dictionaries. The most authoritativelexicographic, certificate and theoretical editions give nextdeterminations, the traditional generally acceptedparameters, becoming typical for this definition, butnevertheless allowing to make an integral idea about natureof aphorism and his specific as a language, are presentedin that facilities.


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How to Cite

Ablasanova М. D. (2015). To the question about the traditional parameters of linguisticessence of aphorism. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 143(3). Retrieved from