Version Botai legends «Er Janibek»
The article analyzes the feat of Zhanibek, one of the batyrs of Abylai who lived in the 18th century. It
is known that there are several versions of the epic legend. In this article, the version of the legend of Botai
is considered. In the work the author tells about the life of the batyr from the very childhood. Particularly
detailed are two exploits with Jungars. Also, the oratorical abilities and heroic character of Zhanibek did
not remain without attention. Since this is a historical work, it describes some characteristic features of
the genre. In general, historical legends have not been sufficiently studied. Given the genre features of the
poem, this article complements these shortcomings. The 300th anniversary of ErZhanibek was celebrated
only recently. It is known that for a long time remained a white spot and was not studied. Therefore, it
is necessary to find all the variants of the epic legend and introduce it into scientific circulation. This will
provide an opportunity to learn the undiscovered pages of our history and to educate patriotism among the
younger generation. One of the main tasks is to tell the younger generation about the hero, his exploits, to
revive the name of the batyr who defended his native land for the bright future of his people.