Terms of tne international information Resources in the press and norms


  • M Rzayeva Ganja State University, Azerbaijan, Ganja,
        22 18


In the article it is said about the terms of the information resources formed in the international
information environment. It is shown that as the press language is flexible the terms of international
information resources are used intensively here. According to their qualities the terms of the information
resources differ from the other terms. This difference is that all the terms used in the media are not the
same due to the adopting and masses probability.
Though some of the international terms used in the press can obtain mass character, some of them
can’t become massive and lose their functionality after a certain period of time. But getting the public
character the terms of the information resources are soon adopted. The greater the intensity of their
adoption, the greater the potential for normalization. The more their adoption intensity, the more their
norm potential is active. Using such terms in the mass media their probability of adopting and norm can
also be increased. And it is directly related to the mass media influence. Such terms are expressed in the
form of the simple words, complex word, compound word, compound abbreviations and word combinations. In the terms of the form of word combinations the structure demands of the Azerbaijan language
take the main place. The use of such terms is interesting as a clear indication of the lexical-terminological
potential of the Azerbaijan language.




How to Cite

Rzayeva, M. (2018). Terms of tne international information Resources in the press and norms. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 171(3), 97–101. Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/2390