Reflection of program documents in the media discourses and their impact on the public consciousness


  • Karimova B.S . Republican Scientific-Practical Center «Uchebnik» MES RK, Kazakhstan, Astana
        24 42


The article discusses the role of political discourse in the form of program documents and the discourse of the media as an active participant in political communication. The polyfunctionality and
multiplicity of political discourse and media discourse are analyzed on the basis of authentic texts –
government policy documents. Political discourse and media discourse have many similarities, often
overlapping in their fields of application.
The leading hypergenres of political discourse are listed and described: program documents, public
speech politics, election campaign, corresponding to the main intention of the political discourse – the
struggle for power. By peripheral author relates political memoirs, an interview. At the same time, each
hyper-genre includes texts that form primary genres within the hyper-genre under consideration, as well
as peripheral genres.




How to Cite

., K. B. (2018). Reflection of program documents in the media discourses and their impact on the public consciousness. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 171(3), 118–124. Retrieved from