Research of the system of language as the phenomenon oflanguage consciousness


  • G. Kusainova Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет
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language, concept, communicative consciousness, language consciousness


On the whole a language is a social institute with the brightlyexpressed social descriptions pluggings in itself is speechof man, co-operation of language and society, language culture of and other all these questions are grounded in thearticle. Scientists study the problem of verbal, language reprezentition concepts. It is the special problem related to communication bythe necessities of individuals, but not with existence andfunctioning of концептосферы as substrat of thinking ofman. Thinking is unverbal, here a language serves not forrealization of thinking, and for expression, report and results of cogitative process of man and byhis possibilities of operating концептами. Question about correlation of concepts consciousness andthinking remain in humanity/pls actual during manydecade, except these concepts the concepts of intellectand концептосферы are studied. In some modern лингвокогнитивных conceptions differentiation of languageand unlanguage consciousness is examined as a questionunimportant, as problem of terminological tradition.


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How to Cite

Kusainova, G. (2015). Research of the system of language as the phenomenon oflanguage consciousness. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 143(3). Retrieved from