Distributive statistical analysis (dsa) in the study of semantic proximity of words of one lexico-thematic group (ltg)


  • Zuyeva N.Yu, Ongarbayeva M.S, Tayeva R.M, Kolesnikova T.P, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty


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This research paper addresses the issue of objective methods for studying the lexical richness of texts, the authors carried out a quantitative analysis of the distribution of words in the text, investigated their morphological structures, revealed the relationship between the frequency of the word and the character of the text. The purpose of this scientific article is to identify the degree of semantic proximity of the words of the thematic group «education». The object of the study were 7 lexical units belonging to this group: education, knowledge, school, teacher, learn, study, teach. The material was chosen from the texts of the fiction and scientific prose of modern English. To study the semantic links of the words of the group using the DSA method, all the written phrases from the texts were distributed into lexical groups (LG) with a common semantic feature. The average frequency threshold of word compatibility was set: for nouns - 20, for verbs - 10. In this scientific work, the method of distributive statistical analysis (DSA) was used to study the distribution of elements in the text, which is characterized by maximum objectivity.


How to Cite

Kolesnikova T.P, Z. N. . O. M. T. R. (2019). Distributive statistical analysis (dsa) in the study of semantic proximity of words of one lexico-thematic group (ltg). Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 173(1), 66–71. https://doi.org/10.26577/EJPh.2019.v173.i1.ph19