The style of the artistic narrative of A.K. Tolstoy


  • Zholdasbekova B.U, Zhapparkulova K.N, Alexandrova O.I Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty,

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This article is observe the fiction narrative of A.K. Tolstoy and its stylistic shades. The writer paid great attention to stylistic any grammar construction of his literary works. The expressive means as anaphora, art tautology, epithet and metaphor serves as art devices to transfer author attempts of embodiment reality in historical aspect in capacious and creative way.The artistic comparison takes a special solid part in the whole system of art-fine tools in literary heritage of A.K. Tolstoy as means reflected multilaterally inner life of the heroes and their relationship between each other in fiction content.The artistic vocabulary involves the interpretation author idea and highlighters also ideological and ethical features of national nature.


How to Cite

Alexandrova O.I, Z. B. Z. K. (2019). The style of the artistic narrative of A.K. Tolstoy. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 173(1), 167–171.