Training to functional reading in the practice of teaching the professional Russian language


  • Adskova Т.P . Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty

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The article dedicated to consideration of some aspects of building skills of functional reading during teaching of applied Russian language. Content of definitions «functional literary» and «functional reading» is describing in the article. Changing and expanding definition «literacy» in modern world and progress of information technologies causes transformation of definition «reading». Specific features of building reading skills of abroad students are presented with special care. Scientific papers, which links functional reading and critical thinking, are analyzing. Strategies and aims, which causes proper reading skills, are defining. Description of «body text» and «advertisement text» is given in the article. The samples of tasks, which compiled with taking in account levels of reading and active methods of teaching, are given. The paperworks of students, which are results of transformation of text material, are presented.


How to Cite

. A. Т. (2019). Training to functional reading in the practice of teaching the professional Russian language. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 173(1), 201–209.



Methods of teaching language and literature