Lexical units are associate with Kazakh in medieval monument «Central Asian tapsir


  • D. Shankisheva Батыс Қазақстан гуманитарлық академиясы
        21 33


«Central Asian tapsir», lexicon, A.Borovkov, general lexical units


Medieval written monuments are language materials which give a lot of different information on language of the tyursky people and on their history. Therefore as a result of their research we can take exact data on Turkic languages and including the Kazakh language.In this article the medieval written monument «Central Asian tapsir» is considered. In the monument «Central Asian tapsir» lexical units interconnected with the Kazakh language are investigated that is those words which coincides with the Kazakh language on value and in a form are provided. In article there are numerous examples, is considered features of these words.


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2 А.К.Боровков, Лексика Среднеазиатского тефсира ХІІ-ХІІІ вв. – Москва, 1963.
3 Б.А.Ларин, История русского языка и общее языкознание. – Москва, 1977.
4 К.М.Мусаев, Лексика тюркских языков в сравнительном освещении. – Москва,1975.
5 Ахмедов. Б.А. Государство кочевых узбеков. – Москва, 1965
6 Әбілқасымов Б. Әбілғазы ханның «Түркі шежіресі» және оның тілі. – Алматы: Арыс, 2001.




How to Cite

Shankisheva, D. (2015). Lexical units are associate with Kazakh in medieval monument «Central Asian tapsir. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 143(3). Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/268