Types and language features of reasoning.
language structure, communicative type, communicative way, text reasoning, syntactic row,Abstract
In linguistics of the text of one of the important not investigated problems definition of is Types and language features of reasoning.Reasoning — the speech of a character which isn't assuming a direct response; the speech turned to listeners or to. In a speech context the reasoning belongs to category of a composite and speech form of reflection of an inner world and a condition of the person, his experiences. In spite of the fact that the reasoning has a peculiar characteristic, it is investigated in a context of problems of the general textual criticism, but wasn't considered as object of special research. Works of Abay "Abai karasozderi" were chosen as the text reasoning.References
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2 Шалабай Б. Көркем мәтінді талдау әдістемесі мен тәжірибесі. – Алматы, 2008. – Б. 225.
2 Шалабай Б. Көркем мәтінді талдау әдістемесі мен тәжірибесі. – Алматы, 2008. – Б. 225.
How to Cite
Ermakasheva, E. (2015). Types and language features of reasoning. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 148(2). Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/289
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