Contextual technologies used in the process of foreign language professional training of future foreign language teachers


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Having determined at the previous stages of our research the state of readiness of future foreign language teachers to use information technologies in their professional activities, we came to the conclusion that it is necessary to make some changes in the educational process in order to improve the training of students. Thus, the purpose of our further work is to test the methodology developed by us in practice. Source for us were the following provisions: formation of readiness of future foreign language teachers for using informational technologies in professional activity should be continuous, i.e. it is necessary to involve students from the first to the last course and note the contents of educational disciplines, pedagogical practices, NIRS; in the process of training of future foreign language teachers to use informa-tion technologies in professional activities necessary orientation to the object of professional activity of teachers of a foreign language and its features. In order to develop organizational, stimulating and managing skills for future teachers when learning to communicate in a foreign language, we offered students to study such issues as: the possibilities of information technologies for organizing communication in pairs and small groups using role-playing games (based on simulation programs); the role of information technologies in the formation of communicative, linguistic and instrumental motivation when learning a foreign language; teaching monologue and Dialogic writing in a foreign language using information technologies; the main aspects of verbal communication activities of students using information technologies.




How to Cite

Abdol, E. D., Kunasova, A. N., Мaratova A. М., & Uteuova, A. B. (2021). Contextual technologies used in the process of foreign language professional training of future foreign language teachers. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 180(4), 192–198.



Methods of teaching language and literature