Semantic and functional shades of synonyms derived from the noun


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The article considers the main indicators of language wealth – the synonymous words, definitions of synonymous words, features of synonyms and ways to create synonymous words. Synonym plays an important role in transmitting thoughts, moods, impressive and artistic expressions, describing objects and phenomena with the correct use of words in the right place. Synonyms are a semantic category, a specific definition of their semantic differences and similarities in the language helps to correctly use words in the language. A review of works devoted to synonyms, views of scientists, and their scientific definitions was conducted. It is known that each part of speech in the Kazakh language differs from each other depending on the lexical, semantic, grammatical and function in the sentence. It was mainly a scientific and practical analysis of semantic shades, differences and similarities of synonyms derived from the noun. Synonyms in a language are an integral part of vocabulary. Therefore, changes in the vocabulary have a direct impact on the development of synonyms. The semantic development and change of words in a language affects the change and updating of the meanings of synonyms. The semantic and functional features of synonyms derived from a noun are analyzed in detail by the component method based on the use of the dictionary of synonyms of the Kazakh language and explanatory dictionaries of the Kazakh language.




How to Cite

Sagyndykuly, B. ., & Amanzhanova, Z. E. (2021). Semantic and functional shades of synonyms derived from the noun. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 178(2), 159–165.