International law and domestic foundations of modern ethno-linguistic policy


  • Israpil М. Sampiev Ингушский государственный университет
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ethnolinguistic politics, international law, mentality, ethno-cultural processes, multi-ethnic state, linguistic specificity.


This article is devoted to the ethno-linguistic policies in multiethnic countries. The purpose of this article was an attempt to describe the state and prospects of development of the modern Turkic languages to the linguistic processes in the newly independent states of the Eurasian multi-ethnic space. In particular, the description of the processes of development of the Turkic languages in the North Caucasus in the Turkic-Slavic contact and surrounded by the North Caucasian languages.According to the author, the political-legal regulation of ethno-social, ethno-political and ethnocultural processes play an important role in promoting peace and inter-ethnic harmony in multi-ethnic countries. The results of the study make a significant contribution to the development of science and Turkological general linguistics, they can be used for scientific research on language contact Turkic ethnic groups.


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How to Cite

Sampiev I. М. (2015). International law and domestic foundations of modern ethno-linguistic policy. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 144(4). Retrieved from