How does large disadvantages in European phonetics and spelling were influenced for the researches of VІ – VІІІ centuries Orkhon-Yenisei Old Turkic language monuments


  • К. Prmanov просвещения РК
        10 35


vowel sounds classification, letter Ә and a sound [ә], the compatibility of concordant and vowel sounds law in speech.


Large shortcomings of modern European and Russian phonetics of classification of vowel sound of speech prevented researchers Orkhon, Enisey and Talas written monuments of VI – VIII centuries to see in them a letter Ә = Ä and sound [ә] = [ä]. A mistake the Kazach and other Turkis - speaking Researchers repeated. The author or article opened a letter Ә = Ä in texts of ancient writing no of VI – VIII centuries. Opened by it in 2009 all the general law of compatibillty of concordant and subsequent vowel sounds in oral speech formed the basis. This low say: voiced and subsequent vowel sounds of speech can unite in sillables is the articulations of a concordant and subsequent vowel sound in identical is iniform for these two sounds. These are known voice concordants soft concordants only can unite in a sillable only with soft vowel sounds. Other options of a combination of concordant and subsequent vowel sounds and live oral speech arent present in one language of people of the world.


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How to Cite

Prmanov К. (2015). How does large disadvantages in European phonetics and spelling were influenced for the researches of VІ – VІІІ centuries Orkhon-Yenisei Old Turkic language monuments. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 144(4). Retrieved from