The poems of Akan seri dedicated to Kulager.


  • Т. B. T.B. Kasteyeva С.Ж. Асфендияров атындағы ҚазҰМУ
        42 397


Akan seri, Kulager, horse races, hunting


This article discusses the poems and songs of the famous poet, composer and singer Akan Seri people dedicated to his horse Kulager. Akan Seri was invited to the funeral of a famous person named Sagynai, but he did not want to go, because he knew that there will come many of his enemies. But the influential people of the village persuaded him to go with them. There came his enemies named Batyrash, Kotyrash who had fast horses. They have heard that Akan seri is going to add his Kulager to the races. They prepared their people to wait in the reeds in order to harm anything Kulager if their horses will be left behind. In those days, the races of horses allowed on the desert. Seeing that Kulager has done best, enemies waiting in ambush beat him to death with clubs. Death of a beloved horse Kulager had a huge impact on the work of the Akan Seri. This event, which occurred in the mid-80s of the XIX century., He devoted many poems, the most significant of which is called "Kulager”.


1 Абай және қазіргі заман әдебиеті (Құраст. Байғалиев Б.). – Алматы: Ғылым, 1994. – 336 б.
2 Қорамсаұлы А. Шығармалары (Құрст. Ә. Тәжібаев). – Алматы: Жазушы, 1963. – 236 б.
3 Дәдебаев Ж. Тұлпардың сыны мен бабы. – Алматы: Бастау, 1994. – 16 б.


How to Cite

T.B. Kasteyeva Т. B. (2015). The poems of Akan seri dedicated to Kulager. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 141(1-2). Retrieved from