Author's concept ofthe nature ofthe literaryportraits


  • B. К. Bazylova Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет
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author's conception ofthe literaryportrait, image creation, the author-narrator


In the article theauthor's concept ofthe nature ofthe literaryportraitKorolenko. Literary portraitrecreates thelook Chernyshevskyin exileand after itevaluates thewholehistorical periodin the public lifeof Russia. Korolenko comparesera 60' swith the scale Chernyshevskypersonality, his way the author seesin thecharacter traitsof the writer. In the literaryportrait of thespecial rolebelongs to the imageof creativity Chernyshevsky, his image,literary stylethatrecreatesKorolenko.The author onthe Rights ofreliable factincludes thenarrativestory of oneof the exiles, who spoke about the constantTchernyshevskiyreadingsof their worksin the circle oflike-minded people. Chernyshevskyas a writer, essayist, author of "What to do?", Inreferencewrote the novel"Prologue", he has not ceasedto believein the power ofthe word,in itstransformative, educate strength. Korolenkoaliterary portraitChernyshevskiiincludes the name ofthe Dormition. HeG.Uspenskogoliterarystyleto a certain extentin oppositionto rationalismartisticChernyshevsky.


1 Пинаев М.Т. Н.Г. Чернышевский. Художественное творчество: Пособие для студентов. – М., 1984.
2 Короленко В.Г. Собр.соч.: В 10 т. – М.: ГИХЛ, 1955. – Т. 8.
3 Короленко В.Г. Собр. соч.: В 5 т. – М., 1974. – Т.2.
4 Чернышевский Н.Г. Полное собрание сочинений: В 15 т. – М., 1953. – Т. 15.
5 Чернышевский Н.Г. Собрание сочинений: В 5 т. – М., 1986. – Т.4.


How to Cite

Bazylova B. К. (2015). Author’s concept ofthe nature ofthe literaryportraits. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 144(4). Retrieved from