Language of arab on to study in the written form about works


  • S. А. Duysenbі Қ.А. Ясауи атындағы Халықаралық қазақ-түрік университеті
        23 17


self-work, parts of speech, grammatical form, word-formation model, grammar exercises


This article deals with written activities in student’s self work in teaching Arabic. The upbringing role of learning a Language and learning Arabic as a foreign language are considered in this article. Due to strategic defection of learning of learning a foreign language a teacher has to form a second Language personality. As learning Arabic is a continued process it is important For the teacher to improve and to develop the Language steadily, particularly student’s self work. In doing self work educational and upbringing aims of leaching are taken into consideration. Types of written activities are to meet a certain programs . Some Grammatical activities of students written self work are mentioned and one can bind some grammar for reviewing.


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العربية للناشئين. البيروت، 1983 م. 6




How to Cite

Duysenbі S. А. (2015). Language of arab on to study in the written form about works. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 144(4). Retrieved from