Research on social linguistics in Kazakhstan: searches, prospects and new problems


  • A. Abasilov Қорқыт Ата атындағы Қызылорда мемлекеттік университеті
        53 285


social linguistics, language situation, language politics, social communication system, language status in Kazakhstan, state language,


In this article the author considers the object, the goals and the results of one of the basic branches of linguistics – social linguistics. The author marked that social linguistics in Kazakhstan was formed on the basis of the former USSR social linguistics. And the language situation, the politics and its aspects had been started to be speciallystudied in the period the country got its sovereignty, so the state specific language structure and the problems related were started to be solved. A review of the older generation scientists works and that of young researches is given in the article. The author analyzes the most essential and actual problems of the state language application, its social role and functions, the definition of the place of Russian and other languages in a social communication system, bilingualism and polylingualism issues, and the problems of conscience governing and regulating the process of language evolution, language politics and etc. The author comes to a conclusion that the object of social linguistics is a functioning language, and in a society language acquires specific social structures and performs extremely important functions, hence social linguistics as a science deals with the language investigations in a social context.


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How to Cite

Abasilov, A. (2015). Research on social linguistics in Kazakhstan: searches, prospects and new problems. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 149(3). Retrieved from