The comparative description of the vowel sounds ï (і), i (и) ), е (э), и (у) in Kazakh, Turkish and Uzbek languages.


  • А. N. Baituova Международный казахско-турецкого университет имени Х.А. Ясави, г. Туркестан
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Turkish, vowels, comparison, Turkic, characteristics, synchronism, indeferent, diphthong, delabialisation, assimilative, invariants, long, short, syllableduration,


The phonetic and philological facts that reveal the most common and characteristic feature in the sound structure of the Kazakh, Turkish and Uzbek languages have been considered in this paper. The peculiarities of literary norms have been researched and various phonetic phenomena and regular and irregular phonetic accordance of vowels have been highlighted, the formed regularity in the sphere of vocalism with the followed explanation of their distinctive features оhave been determined. The basic phonetic regularities of Kipchak, Karluk and Oghuz groups representatives at their literary norms are compared as well. As can be seen, Turkic vowel, i.e. proto turkic state of development of the system of vowels , all sorts of variations and transitions of phonemes in different positions of syllabic words and structures are all the result of the impact of various phonetic and phonological regularities, tendencies and processes of a long evolutionary development of compared languages. As for the qualities acquired and deprived living in the structure of phonemes Turkic languages , including languages and we study in comparative terms, they are the result of subsequent historical development. So, it is primarily concerned with the amount of phonemes in each of the three languages. In that case there is a question one can wonder why the number of the Kazakh language phonemes not six as in the Uzbek language , not eight , as in the proto-language , and eight or nine, not to mention their qualitative differences and techniques into practice. Without interest and the absence in many languages length and its presence is only in certain languages. Nevertheless, we consider the system of vocalism in three languages, according to tradition in Turkic studies, mainly focusing on the short version of phonemes, stipulating the presence of primary and secondary length only in those cases when the need arises in the characteristics of the individual phonemes.


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How to Cite

Baituova А. N. (2015). The comparative description of the vowel sounds ï (і), i (и) ), е (э), и (у) in Kazakh, Turkish and Uzbek languages. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 149(3). Retrieved from