Literary avangard is characteristic of marginale


  • А. Ayazova Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет
        14 13


маргинальныйдискурс, literary маргинальность, phenomenon of culture, socially-psychological and aesthetic paradox, poetic tradition


In-process facts deserve serious attention and tendencies, possessing high ideological potential and in new quality proving on the modern stage of her development. Strengthening of centrifugal impulses, related to growing subjectivism of art of the XX century, behaves to the number of such tendencies. Historical reality in the process of evolution is exposed to the unitization, that assists the origin of the phenomenon of mass culture, and artistic consciousness before the impermissible becomes autonomous. Study of work of poets of маргинального consciousness, topically, as a necessity of the adequate reading of this page of Russian literature of XX of century came to a head. She will help fundamentally to renew ideas about the poetry of the Silver century, to find out the before underestimated intercommunication between centrifugal tendencies in the culture of beginning and end of past century. In home literary criticism the scopes of dialogue broaden with foreign colleagues, that fruitfully investigate literary маргинальность in the light of the last achievements of sociology, psychology and other humanitarian disciplines. Study of work of М. of Волошина, Е. of Gouraud, Е.Кузьминой-Караваевой must be conducted with the purpose of exposure of role of poets of маргинального consciousness in the literary process of beginning of XX of century, that assists forming of integral look to this period in development of Russian literature.


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How to Cite

Ayazova А. (2015). Literary avangard is characteristic of marginale. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 144(4). Retrieved from