Linguistic specifics of the Instant Messaging communication in virtual discourse


  • Е. А. Lovchikova Кыргызско-российский cлавянский университет им. Б. Н. Ельцина
        40 18


discourse, virtual discourse, instant messages, online communication, written language, colloquial language


In this research article virtual discourse derived as an individual, not previously existed type of discourse. In the age of computer technology, where all human activity is inextricably linked with the computers, the language cannot develop in isolation, is not adjusting to the conditions of modern life. So, with the advent of a new, virtual platform for communication, there are also new genres, where the most popular genre is instant messaging. This article describes the linguistic specifics of online communication, the genre of instant messages as one of genres that form vital part of virtual discourse (according to the classification developed by O.V. Lutovinova) in particular characterized. On the basis of conducted study it was concluded that instant messaging communication though having a written form and not has a sound design, must still be related to the colloquial language.


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How to Cite

Lovchikova Е. А. (2015). Linguistic specifics of the Instant Messaging communication in virtual discourse. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 145(5,6). Retrieved from