The concept «Life» in the discourse of linguistic personality B.L Pasternak


  • О. D. Tikhonenko Кыргызско-российский cлавянский университет им. Б. Н. Ельцина
        13 24


scientific paradigm, discourse, linguistic personality, the concept “life”, the author’s concept


The text intends to find out the interrelation between the notions: “Discourse”, “Linguistic personality” as well as “The Concept”. Based on the materials of the biographical prose, the author tries to explore linguistic tools (lexicon and syntax), representing the contents of the concept “Life”, which are the parts of author’s linguistic knowledge. Selected language material is presented in the form of conceptual field. Listed linguistic resources form the center of semantic space of “life” concept (synonyms , antonyms, predicates ), and fill the field ( author’s statements about life, syntax ). The study the field allowed entering the individual author’s understanding of the “life” concept. The article notes that B.L. Pasternak sees life as a unity of opposites: light and dark, joy and pain, life and death. Tracked that in the life concept of Boris Pasternak ‘s death is denied : there is no physical death , the person continues to live in his creation.


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How to Cite

Tikhonenko О. D. (2015). The concept «Life» in the discourse of linguistic personality B.L Pasternak. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 145(5,6). Retrieved from