Social problems of the language of mass communication


  • Ә О. Ybyrayym М. Х. Дулати атындағы Тараз мемлекеттік университеті
        44 23


бұқаралық комммуникация тілі, тілдің әлеуметтік саралануы, тілге әлеуметтік факторлардың әсері, әлеуметтік категориялар мен әлеуметтік топтар, т.б, язык массовых коммуникаций, социальный анализ, влияние социальных факторов, социальные категории, социальн


The article dealt with such topical problems as a social and psychological problems of the language of mass communication , issues of social selection of the language as well as social selection problems of society. The relationship of social and structural phenomenon of language shows the most important area of linguistics. The most important social markers are- age , education , social status , work , environment and region , gender and other factors , social norms , condition, incentives, motivation, direction, mechanisms of social control are the elements of the socio -cultural and socio- psychological system .


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How to Cite

Ybyrayym Ә. О. (2015). Social problems of the language of mass communication. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 145(5,6). Retrieved from