Dominant language of three language learning person and the appearance of interference in its language acquisition.


  • V. Baizakova Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, г. Алматы
        31 47


interference, intercalation, bilingualism, ethnical culture, the objective interference,


One of the conditions for effective learning English is the influence of native Kazakh language in learning English language, that is interference. This article pointed out the errors that Kazakhs make when they speak English. Scientific and theoretical work of bilingualism was examined. The emergence of syntactic interference was studied in this article. The most important component and consequence of the interaction of different systems and related language is bilingualism, which in turn, itself a prerequisite for the emergence of language contact, as manifested in the form of interference. Based on the fact that the language – a means of communication, and communication is the smallest unit of a statement consisting of a simple sentence, and it becomes apparent with the importance of developing problems in syntactic interference. We need to study a problems associated with the influence of native language while learning a foreign language. It is also dictated by the need to prepare highly qualified specialists who are fluent along with the native, official language and English-professional.


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How to Cite

Baizakova, V. (2015). Dominant language of three language learning person and the appearance of interference in its language acquisition. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 149(3). Retrieved from