Recognition five and a half centuries later


  • I. Zakiev Институт литературы им. Низами Национальной академии наук
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Mahmoud Hynalugi, manuscript, oriental studies, writer, book.


Article investigated that composition of the Azerbaijani (Turkic) scientist of the XV century Mahmoud Hynalugi “Events in Dagestan and Shirvan the XIV -XV centuries” was for the first time reported by A. Berger (1828-1886), however the fact of detection of this manuscript until the end of the XX century didn’t draw nobody’s attention. The prominent scientist-orientalist professor A.R.Shikhsaidov translated the first the manuscript of this composition from the Arabic language into Russian and having written to it the preface and having supplied with extensive comments and notes, published in the form of the book (Makhachkala, 1997, 208 pages) then M. Hynalugi’s composition was included in a scientific turn. Since the middle of the VII century and till the XVI century writers and scientists of the Turkic people created the works generally in the Arabic language and on Farsi. Among them were both the Azerbaijani writers and the scientists got an education and working in Tabriz, Istanbul, Bukhara, Tashkent, Herat, Samarkand, Baghdad and other cities of the East. Widely used these two called languages as well writers – natives of the wellknown Azerbaijani village Hynalyg which ancient history totals neither a little, nor many four thousand years.


1 Йакут ал-Хамави. Муджам ал-Булдан (Сведения об Азербайджане. Перевод с арабского З.М. Буниятова и П.К. Жузе). – Баку: Элм, 1983.
2 Шахбазов И. Историческое исследование Хыналыга. – Журнал «Улдуз». – Баку, 1984. – №8. – C. 54.
3 Буниядов Т. Зирве-гала. – Баку: Гянджлик, 1988.
4 Махмуд из Хиналуга. События в Дагестане и Ширване ХIV -ХV веков. (Пер. с арабского, составление, предисловие, комментарии и приложения проф. А.Р. Шихсаидова). – Махачкала: Книжное издательство, 1997.
5 Мишиев А. Азербайджанские писатели и литературно-общественная среда Тифлиса (1820-1905). – Тбилиси: Ганатлеба, 1987.
6 Газета «Адабийят ве инджесенет». – Баку, 1984. – 20 января. – № 3(2086).




How to Cite

Zakiev, I. (2015). Recognition five and a half centuries later. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 145(5,6). Retrieved from