Perfection of professional mastery of student.


  • М. Т. Sihymbaeva Аймақтық әлеуметтік-инновациялық университеті, Шымкент қ.,
        18 40


skills, professional skills, entrepreneurial work, private individual,


In the scientific article is spoken about influence of collective on improvements of professional knowledge vocational trainings, knowledge and abilities, the industry embodiment in the correct direction only for working aims. In this professional activity said about ability to solve the duties, without noticing certain instructions, relying on the experience, finding the way in any situations. Moreover improving the knowledge, always to be in search of knowledge is a part of his work. Suitable change in work of the person that is not the main thing to follow working instructions, but ability to connect with work to reach expected results. Confirming to present requirements knowing perfectly the work, diligence, restraint it is possible to learn, the equipments. Aspirating to novelty continues search of knowledge, the professional will aspire to top. Each action is not always productive. Productivity is finding of methods and it is favorable decision.


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How to Cite

Sihymbaeva М. Т. (2015). Perfection of professional mastery of student. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 149(3). Retrieved from