Meaning of the theater festival for development a muppet theatre.


  • Sh. Smailova Т. Жүргенов атындағы Қазақ ұлттық өнер академиясы, Aлматы қ.,
        21 54


a muppet theatre, the festival of muppet theaters,


In this scientific article discussed the importance of festivals of muppet arts of Kazakh theatre and artistic level. Deals with issues of competitive recovery, artistic levels of Kazakh muppet theatre in accordance with modern requirements. Today in the Republic for the spiritual and cultural development of the people, functioning more than ten muppet collectives. Professional reviews and studies that analyzing their skill with scientific and practical point of view are individual. For the decision of these gaps, of the issues of a creative level, of the meaning and significance of festivals of muppet theaters and their contribution to the development of creative collectives. For the exchange of experience with modern international muppet creative are analyzing the artistic level and the theoretical and practical significance of these festivals.


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3 А.Мұқан. Ортеке ІІІ Халықаралық қуыршақ театрларының фестивалі // Театр. кз: ТҚО. – Бас. 12. − Алматы: Өлке,
2013. – 15 б.




How to Cite

Smailova, S. (2015). Meaning of the theater festival for development a muppet theatre. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 149(3). Retrieved from