Some aspects of classification of unofficial names in Internet communication.


  • Zh. Taubayev Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, г. Алматы
        41 43


nicknames, pseudonyms, communication, information,


This article considers unofficial names (Nicknames) in internet communication. There are given a number of own and foreign scientists, linguists who dealt with the study of Internet communication and it’s pecularities. There is given definition of an onomastics because it studies features, pecularities of official and unofficial names. The author dwells on some types of classification of nicknames and gives examples of them. Apart from giving classification, also gives some reasons of appearing and why do many communicators choose and use nicknames, what do they mean or imply, is it quite important to have nicknames or just tendency among people. In addition to this the author gives structural features of nicknames and shows how are they various and different. Article ends with author’s conclusion regarding issue.


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How to Cite

Taubayev, Z. (2015). Some aspects of classification of unofficial names in Internet communication. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 149(3). Retrieved from