"Laokoon" or about poetry and painting borders


  • Ulviya Chingiz kizi Aliyev Азербайджанский государственный институт языков
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Laokoon, painting art, sculpture, poetry


This article is dedicated to difference between poetry and the fine art, painting in sphere of descriptive principles, the specifics of each art is spoken about also. The analyses is made on famous sculpture “Laokoon”. The works by Vinkelman, Lessing, “Ilyada” by Homer are used also. The work "Laokoon" devoted to common problems of an esthetics of Lessing was written in 1762-1765, published in 1766 in Berlin. The option available for us is only the first part of the called treatise. By comparison of painting and poetry it becomes clear that, both of these art forms turn seen into reality, i.e. both create a certain deception, and in both cases this deception it are pleasant to people. It means that both of these art forms originate from one total a source. The beauty is borrowed from concrete subjects, and can be shown in movements, ideas, the most various forms. Lessing two moments – first interest, what interrelations and mutual influence of poetry and plastic art, and in what form these communications are shown, secondly, how the ugliness can turn back beauty.


1 Кун Н.А. Древнегреческие мифы и легенды. – Баку: Бакинский Славянский Университет, 2008. – 544 с. (на азерб. языке).
2 Лессинг Г.Э. Лаокоон, или о границах живописи и поэзии / Общая редакция, вступ. cтатья и примечания Г.М. Фридлендера. Художник З.М. Секач. –Москва: Художественная литература, 1957. – 520 c.
3 www.krugosvet.ru
4 www.iskusstwo.ru
5 mesotes.narod.ru
6 philolog.petrsu.ru




How to Cite

Aliyev, U. C. kizi. (2015). "Laokoon" or about poetry and painting borders. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 145(5,6). Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/517