The political euphemisms in the language of information programs.


  • G. A. Mashinbaeva Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, г. Алматы
        132 59


public political lexicon, political euphemism, information, recipient, the language of mass media,


This article discusses the main directions of modern linguistics in the study of the language of mass media. Author on the material of different informational texts of the state and independent analytical programs, and also newspapers and magazines, investigates political euphemisms of the mass media language, their meaning and the sense used in various contexts. The article also examines the using of particular political euphemisms in the language of television programs, political euphemisms in the language of mass media, and built synonymous lines based on these examples. Methods of impact on mass consciousness of TV viewers by means of using the political euphemisms, and also function of the mass media language are considered, the possibility of pressure upon public opinion, types of multiple-valued reading of the texts and their understanding are studied. Thus, extensive using of political euphemisms indicates the high level of the culture language, the development of the colloquial genre in journalism and the mass media language. The author analyzes the research methods of the periodicals, the social character of articles, and formation of the mass consciousness through the media. The article examines the particular periodicals, euphemistic meaning of words and expressions used in journalism, moral and ethical meaning of words and expressions, and the nature of social and political influence of the media. The author analyzes the relationship between the language of media and the economic and social condition of the state, defines the boundaries of the using of euphemisms and political development of public opinion. At the end, author concludes that the using of euphemisms, as in literary texts and language of the media, shows, first, the richness of language, and secondly, the continuous improvement and diversifying of the cultural outlook of people.


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How to Cite

Mashinbaeva, G. A. (2015). The political euphemisms in the language of information programs. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 149(3). Retrieved from