Language education of students in terms of career training


  • Zh. S. Beisenova Казахский гуманитарно-юридический университет
  • А. B. Ibraeva Казахский гуманитарно-юридический университет
        17 20


language policy, Kazakh, Russian and English languages in the humanities, the levels of language, methods of teaching.


Language policy is one of the fundamental aspects of the language situation, which is determined as the system of measures of conscious influence on the development of linguistic processes, distribution of languages in the spheres of social interaction, and representing a part of the political control over the language situation, linguistic conflicts The main motive power of the language policy in Kazakhstan is its socio-political and legislative activity. Today the State educational standard is the basis of common conceptual language education in Kazakhstan, and it is designed to provide the legal framework for the state cultural project “Trinity of languages”. The process of multilingual education in the Humanities universities of Kazakhstan is considered. Special attention is given to the methodological assumption of the educational process of teaching university students Kazakh, Russian, English Languages.


1 Проект Государственной Программы функционирования и развития языков на 2011-2020 годы. – Астана, 2010. – С. 17-23.
2 Языки триединства (казахский, русский и иностранный языки) // ГОСО РК 6.08.085-2010. – МОН РК, 2010. – С. 1-2.
3 Кунанбаева С.С. Концепция иноязычного образования. – Алматы, Казахстан, 2009. – С. 56-67.
4 A Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Learning, Teaching, Assessment. – Strasbourg, 1986.
5 М. Wooding The future of interpretation in Kazakhstan // Вестник КазГЮУ. Серия «Филологические науки». – 2012.– №
4 (18). – С. 17-20.
6 The Case Method at the Harvard Business School, 1921.




How to Cite

Beisenova, Z. S., & Ibraeva А. B. (2015). Language education of students in terms of career training. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 145(5,6). Retrieved from