The Formation of Cognitive-Linguocultural Complexes in Terms of Informatization


  • М. К. Akhmetova Казахский университет международных отношений и мировых языков им. Абылай хана
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informatization, the information and educational environment, electronic educational resources, authentic materials, cognitive-linguocultural complexes, socio-cultural competence, linguistic-cultural competence, communicative competence


This article is about the formation of cognitive- linguocultural complexes in terms of informatization. The information and educational environment in foreign-language education is focused not only on education, but also on development of the personality which is carried out as a result of dialogue with the culture represented by electronic educational resources. It is possible to find authentic materials texts, audio and video materials; relevant topics for a particular level and prepare the various tasks using the information environment. The use of the information environment has a significant impact on motivation, increases the interest in foreign language, gives students confidence in their abilities to individualize the learning process, learning, training, revision and control of the same material can be carried out with varying degrees of depth and completeness, at their own pace, in the individual sequences, often chosen by the student. The use of training information educational programmes facilitates communication training for a teacher, develops socio-cultural, linguistic-cultural, communicative, linguistic, reflexive and cognitive competence of students in different types of speech activity.


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How to Cite

Akhmetova М. К. (2015). The Formation of Cognitive-Linguocultural Complexes in Terms of Informatization. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 145(5,6). Retrieved from