Oriental Themes in Victor Hugo`s Poetry.


  • A. I. Aliyeva Гянджинское отделение Национальной академии наук Азербайджана, г. Баку
        31 33


Еast, Victor Hugo, poem, motif,


The article considers the oriental theme in Victor Hugo`s collection «Oriental Motifs». Victor Hugo decided to write oriental poems in 1825 and his first oriental poems were «The Sacking of the City», »The Palace Heads», «The Pasha`s Torture». Victor Hugo collected his oriental poems, which were written in 1825-1828, under the title «Oriental Motifs» and published them on January 14, 1829, but according to some sources they were published on January 23, 1829. The oriental themes were vividly reflected in the following oriental poems: «Canaris»,» The Moonlight», «Farewell», «The Arabian Guest», «The Sacking of the City», »The Lost Battle,» «Dream», «To the Caliph», «Light», «The Djinns», »November», «Imagination», «Ecstasy», «To him», »The Veil» and «Sultan Ahmed». The oriental themes in Victor Hugo`s poetry – «To the Caliph», «Sultan Ahmed», «Wish», «The Djinns», «The Curse», «The Dervish» – were analyzed in the article. The reason for V. Hugo’s interest in the oriental theme was considered in details, the issue of his visiting or not visiting the East was investigated, and the examples of words from the Arabic, Turkic and Persian languages used in his poetry without being translated were given in the article. The information about assaults and pressures on V.Hugo’s collection «Oriental Motifs», in other words, on his referring to the oriental theme was also reflected in the article.


1 Besson Andre, Viktor Hüqo, Edition Franse Emptre. – 2001. – 501 p.
2 Dictionnaire de V.Huqo, Librairie Larousse. – 1970. – 225 r.
3 Huqo Victor. La legende des siecles. – Paris, Garnier Flamarion. – 1979. – 507 p.
4 Huqo Victor. Les Orientales. – Paris: Librairie de L. Hachette ite, 1959. – 180 p.
5 Max Gallo. Victor Huqo. – Tome İ. – Paris: Edition, 2001. – 493 p.
6 Сафронова Н. Н. Виктор Гюго. – М.: Просвещение, 1989. – 197 с.
7 Трескунов М. С. Виктор Гюго. – Л.: Просвещение, 1989. – 151 с.
8 Zeynalov A. İl etait un siecle. – Bakou: Mutardjim, 2010. – 240 p.
9 Zeynalov Ə. Victor Huqo. – Bakı: Mutərcim, 2001. – 140 s.




How to Cite

Aliyeva, A. I. (2015). Oriental Themes in Victor Hugo`s Poetry. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 150(4-5). Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/549