Temirgali Nurtazin about Sabit Mukanov`s Novels.


  • B. A. Rakhmetova Ы. Алтынсарин атындағы Арқалық мемлекеттік педагогикалық институты
        63 23


T. Nurtazin, literary critic, S. Mukanov, introduction to literary, novel, research,


The literary heritage of Temirgali Nurtazin, one of the founders of Kazakh Soviet Literature and literary critic, is great; The bases of his works are dedicated to the creative work of a well – known Kazakh writer Sabit Mukanov. Nurtazin started researching S. Mukanov and his literary works since 1945. In 1951 he wrote a monograph «Mukanov`s creative work» as the result of his research. Later this monograph was supplemented and renewed with deep conclusion on the theme of the research. In 1960 the readers were acquainted with the author`s new monographs’ «The Writer and the Life» and «The Nation`s Writer». Nurtazin was the first to react to the writer’s new works and expressed his point of view, showing the secrets of the writer’s excellence. S. Mukanov grew and trained himself together with the Soviet literature having begun his creative activity in that period. S. Mukanov made a great contribution to the development of Kazakh – Soviet literature working on various genres of literature and considerably enriched the fiction. Most of his novels were translated into many foreign languages. In this article we analyze the works of a well-known scientist and critic T. Nurtazin who dedicated his creative activity to researching S. Mukanov’s literary heritage. Sabit Mukanov’s updated novel was investigated by a group of scholars, and their opinion was compared with former statements. The novel «The School of Life» was highly appreciated; it was first published in the Kazakh language in 1930 in the magazine «New Literature», numbers 3-5, and in Russian in 1940 in the magazine «Literature and Art of Kazakhstan», numbers 1-4; it was introduced as fragments from the novel «My Schools». The researcher explicitly stresses the genre originality of the work, its first definition as «Story», and on the basis of the theoretical argument deeply and fully proves its definition as «Novel». Well informed on the personality of the author and novel materials, the critic defined a special place of the novel in the Kazakh literature.


1 Кә­кішев Т. Дәуір дидары. – Алматы: Жазушы, 1985. – 304 б.
2 Нұрқатов А. Жазушы жә­не өмір // Коммунизм таңы, 1961. – 17 май.
3 Қирабаев С. Бағалы зерттеу // Қазақстан мұғалімі. 1961. – 15 июнь.
4 Нұртазин Т. Жазушы жә­не өмір. – Алматы: ҚазМемКөркӘд, 1960. – 358 б.




How to Cite

Rakhmetova, B. A. (2015). Temirgali Nurtazin about Sabit Mukanov`s Novels. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 150(4-5). Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/563