Educational Competences as a Factor of Competitiveness of Specialist in the Conditions of Internationalization.


  • A. B. Тumanova Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, г. Алматы
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competence, competency, competence approach, key competences, leveled teaching, communicative competence,


The article describes the problem of students’ developing educational (key) competences. It provides explanation of such terms as: competence, competency, competence approach, key competences. It says that the competency development is supported by the leveled method of teaching languages, the realization of competence approach, the use of interactive forms and methods of teaching, and others. The article presents the material about the leveled method of teaching Russian in Kazakh-British Technical University: «Russian (Intermediate level)» (B-1; B-2), and «Russian (Advanced level)» (C-1). In accordance with the syllabus content the discipline provides the development and improvement of such key competences as communicative, general cultural, social and informational, educational and cognitive ones. There are examples of using forms and methods of teaching that are effective within the program (projects, presentations, discussions, round tables, conferences, role plays, etc.). The correct solution of this problem will help to ensure the competitiveness of future specialists on the labour market in the polylingual environment.


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How to Cite

Тumanova A. B. (2015). Educational Competences as a Factor of Competitiveness of Specialist in the Conditions of Internationalization. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 150(4-5). Retrieved from