Comparative Stylistics of the Russian and Kazakh Languages in Aspect of Literary Translation.


  • Zh. K. Kiynova Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, г. Алматы
        23 142


comparative stylistics, literary translation, Slavonic words, archaism, traditional and poetic lexicon, stylistic equivalence,


The article is devoted to the description and analysis of Kazakh translations of A.S.Pushkin’s works made at different times. The special attention is paid to comparison of lexical and stylistic base of the unrelated languages for the purpose of identifying the functional originality of stylistically and culturally marked language units. The paper analyzes the translation of Slavonicisms as stylistically marked archaisms which not only made the basis of traditional and poetic lexicon of the Russian language but also corresponded to the history and culture of the Russian people. The examples of the translation of poetic contexts reveal the associative and figurative potential of the Kazakh language enabling to preserve and recreate the semantic-stylistic originality of poeticisms. The author compares synonymic means of the Russian and Kazakh languages constituting not only the richness of their figurative system, but also the system of national and cultural stereotypes. Generalization of results of translation allowed the author to reveal functional and equivalent words, i.e. contextual equivalents (synonyms, comparisons, epithets, figurative and periphrastic expressions) by means of which stylistic equivalence as the main criterion of the translation of artistic (especially poetic) works is reached.


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How to Cite

Kiynova, Z. K. (2015). Comparative Stylistics of the Russian and Kazakh Languages in Aspect of Literary Translation. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 150(4-5). Retrieved from