The Russian context of the Kazakh literature: prospects of research.


  • U. K. Abisheva Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, г. Алматы
        22 12


comparative studies, typology, Kazakh literature, Russian literature, art tradition,


This article examines the problem of the contextual links of Russian and Kazakh literatures. Kazakh literature is «deployed» in the direction of different cultural paradigms. The traditions of Russian literature are especially important to Kazakh literature. In the second half of the XX – beginning of XXI centuries its development was largely focused on the impact of the Russian literature. This issue is under-researched. Literary and everyday life contexts, personal contacts, correspondence of Russian and Kazakh writers have been investigated fully. But comparisons of the area of the problem-thematic field, peculiarities of poetics, typological comparisons, and national pictures of the world in two literatures are awaiting the exploration. The article reviews scientific papers on the problem of Kazakh-Russian literary relations. The author identifies relevant theoretical and methodological aspects of the problem. In the article the author offers the most important tasks that are essential in modern comparative studies.


1 Габдиров И.Х. М. Горький и казахская советская литература. – Алма-
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How to Cite

Abisheva, U. K. (2015). The Russian context of the Kazakh literature: prospects of research. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 152(6). Retrieved from