About oral-style technique and «formula grammar» zhyrau.


  • K. Zhanabayev, Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, г. Алматы
  • U. Akberdykyzy Институт полиязычного образования КазНПУ имени Абая, г. Алматы
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«formulary grammar», epic genre, oral individual creativity, zhyr, zhyrau, genesis, form, function, art, style and genre, improvisation, Turkic poetry, oral-stylistic technique, epic replays, type, semantics and structure, text, socio-historical basis,


The article is devoted to the least developed and the most urgent problem of modern Turkic epic studies – oral-style technique and formula grammar of Kazakh heroic singers XV-XVIII centuries. Formal-stylistic elements play a big role in organizing themes, genres, styles, artistic time and area. This indicates their importance for exploring ways of occurrence of the epic and the formation of the lyrics, the interaction of literature with folklore and mythology. Therefore, we pay special attention to the study of oral and stylistic techniques of the singer, its genesis, the magical nature of its iterations, myth semantics and the structure of the text in the heroic ritual. The study of nature of stable formal-stylistic components, their abilities in the formation of the genre and style of the text in terms of improvisation, their essence, genesis, types, functions in the aspect of communication with myth, rite and ritual, scientific-theoretical interpretation of their dominant role in the structure of the ritual text is a very important issue of science. This problem entirely corresponds to the essence of scientific ideas of M. Parry and A. Lord on the epic «formula», hence on the formula thinking of epic singers and also on the direct connection of epic formulas with the size of verse. Turkic heroic text is the most important structural element in the ancient rite and ritual: a omprehensive and systematic analysis of its formal and stylistic complex stable traditional expressions, epic formulas, and so on) will allow better understanding of the genre and genetic, functional and stylistic nature of remarks, characteristics of its functioning in the ritual, the way of forming epic, lyrical epic, and then lyrical (individually-author) tradition. In the future this method will be necessary for the reconstruction of the «Primordial Tradition», common to all ancient myth and ritual connected with the worship of the hero of the sun, with a deeper comprehension of symbolic ritual, mental-symbolic nature of Turkish national text.


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How to Cite

Zhanabayev, K., & Akberdykyzy, U. (2015). About oral-style technique and «formula grammar» zhyrau. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 152(6). Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/802