Some artistic features of G. Musrepova`s stories.


  • A. Zh. Zhumagulova Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, г. Алматы
        57 30


the style of writer, the use of repetition, language features, a series of stories, rhythmics, artistic method,


The author makes a generalization of scientific works of some Kazakh scientists and researchers who conveyed transmission features of the writer G. Musrepov «authorial voice» communication «voice of the autor and the characters` rhythmic» harmony of language present in the work, about the successfui transfer of sarcasm and humor the author of use of shaped words in the transmission of the character portrait in the early story writer «Tulagan tolkunda,» also about the stories sevoted to mothers, tells about the incomparable style of the writer. In the stories of the writer well and really captures the spirit of the time, and wayoflife of the people of that time, and it allows the writer to draw a real portrait of a man of that time. Author specific examples reveals the writer`s skill transmission repetition (anaphora and epiphora) in prose, skill transfer portrait. Also in the article, the autho


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How to Cite

Zhumagulova, A. Z. (2015). Some artistic features of G. Musrepova`s stories. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 152(6). Retrieved from