Creative connection of Nazir Torekulova with Uzbek literary men.


  • S. Sadykov, Қ.А. Ясауи атындағы Халықаралық қазақ- түрік университеті
  • Zh. Ismailova Қ.А. Ясауи атындағы Халықаралық қазақ- түрік университеті
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Soviet power, Uzbek press, Turkic alphabet, diplomatic activity, publishing, national culture,


In the early 1920s the creative activity of Nazir Torekulov had an enormous influence on the development of the Uzbek press and publishing industry, which became a huge impact to improve the quality of their work. Thoughtful opinion, in-depth knowledge and organizational skills of Nazir Torekulov opened opportunities for further development of printing business. A striking proof of the above is that in October 1919, on the basis of the Muslim Bureau of the regional committee there was created the editorial board to control the quality of translations and editing, and Nazir Torekulov was appointed the chairman. The museum and street named after him in Turkestan undoubtedly prove that he was one of the great figures in the history of Kazakh people. Such approach to the heritage of the past is the evidence of the service of the younger generation to their homeland, national values, great love and respect for the work of the great Kazakh educator. The period of his diplomatic activities deserves a special study. Journalistic activities of Nazir Torekulov in the Uzbek press in the 1920s have not yet received the proper journalistic study. In addition, it is necessary to pay special attention to the political articles, short stories, translated works of world literature, relevant social articles of Nazir Torekulov published in the pages of newspapers and magazines such as «Ishtirokiyun» (1918-1920), «Qizil bayraq» (1921 -1920), «Turkistan» (1923-1924), «Sharq» (1919), «Inqilob» (1922-1924) and others. We can not ignore the question of active participation of Nazir Torekulov to publicize local newspapers and magazines in the Uzbek language. In this article, the author focuses on the issue of cooperation of Nazir Torekulov with the Uzbek literary men, as well as the formation and establishment of the Uzbek press, publishing and printing.


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How to Cite

Sadykov, S., & Ismailova, Z. (2015). Creative connection of Nazir Torekulova with Uzbek literary men. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 152(6). Retrieved from