The use of various activities and techniques in teaching speaking


  • S. B. Kabdrgalinova International Information Technologies University
        38 15

Кілттік сөздер:

real-life situation, scaffolding, active student involvement, brainstorming.


Learners improve their speaking by interacting. Communicative lan­guage teaching based on real-life situations as well as collaborative learn­ing serve best to reach this goal. By using this method, learners will have the essential opportunity of communicating in the target language. One of the main requirements is that ESL or EFL teachers should create an English speaking environment where students have real-life communication, ac­tivities, and tasks that promote oral language. This will occur when learners collaborate in small and big groups to complete a task and to achieve a goal. What are activities to promote speaking? Here is a brief description of the majority of these effective activities as well as some problems which the learners meet while learning the target language, and some techniques of solving these problems are given.

Библиографиялық сілтемелер

1 1.Hornby A.S. Oxford advanced learner’s dictionary of current English. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. – 1440 p.
2 2.Shumin Kang. Factors to consider: developing adult EFL students’ speaking abilities // English Teaching Forum: Vol.35. – 1997. – № 3. – P. 8.
3 3.Chaney A.L., Burk T.L. Teaching Oral Communication in Grades K-8. – Boston: Allyn&Bacon, 1998. – P. 13.
4 4.Florez Mary Ann Cunningham. Improving adult English language learners’ speaking skills // ERIC Digest. ED435204
1999-06-00. – P. 7.
5 5.Brown as quoted by Florez. Mary Ann Cunningham. Improving adult English language learners’ speaking skills // ERIC Digest. ED435204 1999-06-00. – P. 2.
6 6.Nunan D. Practical English Language Teaching. – NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003. – 342 p.
7 7.Ovando C., Collier V. & Combs, M. Bilingual and ESL classrooms: Teaching multicultural contexts (3 rd ed.). – Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2003. – P. 310.


Как цитировать

Kabdrgalinova, S. B. (2016). The use of various activities and techniques in teaching speaking. ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. Филология сериясы, 153(1). вилучено із



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