Russian and English Magazine Advertisements: Gender Differences in Language Use


  • Л. В. Кошутская Kazakh National University of the name al-Farabi
        19 13

Кілттік сөздер:

gender linguistics, advertising texts, language stereotypes, masculine speech, feminine speech.


The article examines gender peculiarities in printed advertising texts in modern English and Russian-language journals. Gender linguistics is young and not completely explored area of science, and in this paper we are trying to see one of its aspects, which is very relevant in today’s society. Advertising texts as means of speech manipulation are used ubiquitously, and the stereotypical male and female images imposed by advertising are recorded in the language and behavior of people. Our purpose is to consider how linguistic stereotypes in English and Russian differ for men and women, and to show whether there is a difference between the texts for male and female audience in the studied languages.

Библиографиялық сілтемелер

1 1.The case for advertising // Advertising Association –
2 2.Словарь гендерных терминов / под ред. А. А. Денисовой / Региональная общественная организация «Восток-Запад:
Женские Инновационные Проекты». – М.: Информация XXI век, 2002. – 256 с.
3 3.Jespersen Otto. Selected writings. – New York: Routledge, 2010. – 471 p.
4 4.Lakoff R. Language and Woman’s Place. – New York: Harper and Row, 1975. – 328 p.
5 5.Вейлерт А.А. О зависимости количественных показателей языка от пола говорящего. – М.: Вопросы языкознания,
1976. – С. 138-143.
6 6.Рыжкина О.А., Реснянская Л.И. Психо- и социолингвистический анализ языкового портрета горожанина // Живая
речь уральского города. – Свердловск, 1988. – С. 39-47.
7 7.Земская Е.А., Китайгородская М.В., Розанова Н.Н. О чем и как говорят женщины и мужчины. – М.: Русская речь,
1989. – С. 42-46.
8 8.Известные ученые стран СНГ –
9 9.Esquire UK / edited by Chater D. – UK: Hearst Magazines, September 2015. – 191 p.
10 10.Cosmopolitan USA / edited by Coles J. – USA: Hearst Magazines, December, 2014. – 221 p.
11 11.Cosmopolitan Kazakhstan / под ред. Акишевой М. – Алматы: ML Press, март 2014. – 211 с.
12 12.Esquire Kazakhstan / под ред. Хайбуллина И. – №12. – Алматы, декабрь 2015 – январь 2016. – 137 с

1 1.The case for advertising // Advertising Association –
2 2.Slovar’ gendernyh terminov / pod red. A. A. Denisovoj / Regional’naja obshhestvennaja organizacija «Vostok-Zapad:
Zhenskie Innovacionnye Proekty». – M.: Informacija XXI vek, 2002. – 256 s.
3 3.Jespersen Otto. Selected writings. – New York: Routledge, 2010. – 471 p.
4 4.Lakoff R. Language and Woman’s Place. – New York: Harper and Row, 1975. – 328 p.
5 5.Vejlert A.A. O zavisimosti kolichestvennyh pokazatelej jazyka ot pola govorjashhego. – M.: Voprosy jazykoznanija, 1976.
– S. 138-143.
6 6.Ryzhkina O.A., Resnjanskaja L.I. Psiho- i sociolingvisticheskij analiz jazykovogo portreta gorozhanina // Zhivaja rech’
ural’skogo goroda. – Sverdlovsk, 1988. – S. 39-47.
7 7.Zemskaja E.A., Kitajgorodskaja M.V., Rozanova N.N. O chem i kak govorjat zhenshhiny i muzhchiny. – M.: Russkaja
rech’, 1989. – S. 42-46.
8 8.Izvestnye uchenye stran SNG –
9 9.Esquire UK / edited by Chater D. – UK: Hearst Magazines, September 2015. – 191 p.
10 10.Cosmopolitan USA / edited by Coles J. – USA: Hearst Magazines, December, 2014. – 221 p.
11 11.Cosmopolitan Kazakhstan / pod red. Akishevoj M. – Almaty: ML Press, mart 2014. – 211 s.
12 12.Esquire Kazakhstan / pod red. Hajbullina I. – №12. – Almaty, dekabr’ 2015 – janvar’ 2016. – 137 s.


Как цитировать

Кошутская, Л. В. (2016). Russian and English Magazine Advertisements: Gender Differences in Language Use. ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. Филология сериясы, 158(6). вилучено із