Implementation of the cognitive approach to the theory and practice of foreign language education


  • A. K. Садыкова Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        28 14

Кілттік сөздер:

foreign language teaching, intercultural communication, modern foreign language education, standards for foreign language teach¬ing, cognitive approach in foreign language teaching, cognitive and com-municative language teaching, communicative competence,


 In current conditions, the impact of social, political, economic, profes­sional, psychological, educational, cultural factors on language education system has caused an objective need for the development of new method­ological approaches that promote maximum actualization of personal and intellectual potential of the students, that expands the scientific interest in the cognitive science and the development of the cognitive approach in foreign language teaching.

 The researches in the sphere of cognitive teach­ing are aimed at studying the possibilities of improving the cognitive activ­ity of the individual with the help of special educational programs. Cogni­tive approach is theory of teaching foreign languages, developed on the bases of cognitive psychology. In relation to teaching a foreign language cognitivism means that the process of studying of a particular linguistic phenomenon should be based on the mental processes and actions under­lying the understanding and use of this phenomenon in speech. Cognitive teaching should be understood as an active cognition process. Knowledge and capabilities obtained with this approach, promote the development of a high level of intelligence, creativity formation, accumulation of practical experience required to the future specialists in the formation of profes­sional competencies needed in new educational conditions.

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Как цитировать

Садыкова A. K. (2016). Implementation of the cognitive approach to the theory and practice of foreign language education. ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. Филология сериясы, 153(1). вилучено із



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