Specifics of chess terminology


  • A. A. Караев Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi
        58 29

Кілттік сөздер:

chess terminology, terminological system, determinologi­ zation, antonymy, polysemy, homonymy, synonymy


This article discusses the specifics of chess terminological system. Huge popularity of sport, describing with fascinating development of sport and inclination to the sport progression not only of the participants of com­
petitions but also of a lot of funs shows active use of sport, in particular, chess terms in their directly nominative meanings. Great number of chess terms gives an inexhaustible possibility for their usage in different commu­nicative situations and it is really valuable for the reporters as a rich source of new ways of attracting readers. The article also gives examples of the identified word classes, origin of chess terms, as well as methods of their formation, which were selected by continuous sampling method. At the beginning there are definitions of such concepts as «terminology» and «terminological system». The value of
the article is that the findings and examples shown here could be used in the teaching practice of terminology and linguistics, as well as the basics of journalism.

Библиографиялық сілтемелер

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Как цитировать

Караев A. A. (2016). Specifics of chess terminology. ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. Филология сериясы, 161(3). вилучено із https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/1983