The model of competence education in linguodidactic


  • Z.Kh Salkhanova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • S.E Tapanova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
        20 14


The subject of research in this article is the pedagogic category of competency. The objective is
to prove thesis that it is competency that becomes objective and result of education in the context of
modern educational system. This category is considered a component of structural unity: literacy –
education (in terms of degree of education) – competency – culture – mentality. The author consider
that under the conditions of continuing education system – from primary school to higher education institute – the issues of goal-setting should be stated in regard to solidarity in tasks and shared
objective setting – development of competent knowledge-carrier and competence of personality as
an expected outcome. The paper deals with correlation of «competence» and «competency» notions;
understanding of person’s «competence» as an acmeologic category and potential of intellectual and
professional development of personality, characteristics of which are «competences», which should
be formed in the process of education as system new formations are established. Given this, «competences» act as integrated characteristics of education quality and graduates’ training, and the categories
«competence» – «competency» are unity reflecting relation of «the potential general» and «the potential
particular». The modern qualitative result of education is pre-singled out set of specific competences
reflected in competence-based model of education and graduate’ model, which correspond to social
order. The advantage of competence-based approach in comparison with others is what its use makes
it possible to socialize a person in the context of constant instability and development of society.




Как цитировать

Salkhanova, Z., & Tapanova, S. (2018). The model of competence education in linguodidactic. ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. Филология сериясы, 169(1), 159–167. вилучено із



Методика преподавания языка и литературы