Translation problems of English conversational vocabulary in the Thomas Hardy’s novel «Tess of the d’Urbervilles»


  • V. Kan Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
        16 22


The article discusses the features of conversational vocabulary transla
tion in prose, as the same lexemes can have different stylistic signs in vari
ous academic dictionaries and clearly demarcated between mentioned in
a speech lexemes. Analysis of English spoken language in the text of the
novel by Thomas Hardy’s «Tess of d’Erbervilley» in translation from English
into the Russian language shows that the translation of stylistically colored
vocabulary causes some difficulties because of its national specificity, se
mantical and emotional richness. In this regard, consideration of methods
of translation of spoken and stylistically reduced vocabulary from English
into the Russian language also remains topical. Sometimes translators
solve relevant issues in the translation process. On the specific examples
is proved that the lexical and phraseological units of colloquial style of
any developed language reveals not only the specifics of the structural and
grammatical organization of the language, but, most importantly, reflect
in their semantics process of history and culture of the people. They are
fixed and transmitted from generation to generation, culture attitudes and
stereotypes. It is also determined that the use of the local language may
be due to different geographical factors, as special colloquial phrases, dia
lects, and sometimes accents in the speech of the characters.





Как цитировать

Kan, V. (2018). Translation problems of English conversational vocabulary in the Thomas Hardy’s novel «Tess of the d’Urbervilles». ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. Филология сериясы, 165(1), 388–391. вилучено із