The main approaches to the study of the concept in modern human sciences


  • L Mukhtar Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
        20 15


This article investigates the importance of the term «concept» in mod
ern human science. The essence of this notion is considered in the light of
different scientific disciplines and approaches. On the basis of generaliza
tion and analysis of theoretical works, devoted to the problem of concept,
the properties and characteristics, the specificity of the artistic concept
are revealed. In the process of analysis it was proved that in literary work,
this term appears as a fixed option of individual author’s concept, which
is accumulated in the semantic configuration of its concept sphere. The
study of the artistic concept allows not only to penetrate in the nature of
verbal creativity, generating artistic sense, but also to explore the art of
communication. This paper examines the contribution of literature to the
development of the concept sphere of people. It is stated that in modern
philological science, this concept acts as a tool in studying the unity of the
artistic world of the literary work and the writer’s national world





Как цитировать

Mukhtar, L. (2018). The main approaches to the study of the concept in modern human sciences. ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. Филология сериясы, 165(1), 392–396. вилучено із