Modern topical Linguistic issues of eponyms
This article elaborates eponyms as an object of a special professional text and its modern linguistic problems. The author based on the definitions of scientists tried to determine the level of investigation of eponyms in modern linguistics. The following linguistic problems of eponyms were determined: a) the problem of naming an eponym, due to several scientists who are directly related to a discovery; b) problems of writing eponyms with upper or lower case letters; consideration of eponym and deonym (deonymization) indifferently; c) confusion of the use of different scientists who have identical or similar surnames/names for one eponym; d) the incorrect pronunciation of international eponyms in different countries; e) the name of the same conceptual eponym is different in different countries and other relevant language problem issues were considered in this article. The author at the end of the article recommends the use of transcriptions in the compilation of eponym dictionaries in various fields of science as structural complex eponyms create certain difficulties in reading. The revealed language problems of eponyms indicate the perspective and relevance of further research of it in the field of linguistics and philology.