Linguistic attribution of modern kazakh anthroponyms


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This article offers the stratigraphic analysis of modern Kazakh personal names. The data necessary to
complete this study was collected from the birth records at the Departments of Civil Status Registration
Offices (Almaly, Alatau, Auezov, Bostandyk, Zhetisu, Medeu, Nauryzbai, Turksib regions) of Almaty
city. More than five thousand personal names of newborns born in2010 are subjected to this analysis.
Modern Kazakh personal names are classified according to ethno-linguistic groups and subgroups. The
ethnolinguistic aspect of the research allowed to reveal features of formation and development of modern Kazakh anthroponymy. The results of the study indicate that the Kazakh people were able to preserve
the historical memory of culture and develop national traditions of naming through historical periods.
The results of the research indicate that the national code of culture is preserved in Kazakh naming system as a fact of historical memory, the national traditions of naming are maintained accordingly. However, it should be noted that currently Kazakh anthroponymy is developing in four directions. Firstly, the
Turkic-Kazakh traditions of naming are preserved, which are fundamental in the development of Kazakh
anthroponymy. Secondly, there is an increase of Arabic names, which is associated with the growth of
religious sentiment in society. Thirdly, penetration of Russian and European traditions of naming into Kazakh naming system. Fourthly, the occurrence of a new trend of naming: the formation of double names
through a hyphen, double names that are written separately or together.




Как цитировать

., M. G., ., E. H., & Aliakbarova, A. (2020). Linguistic attribution of modern kazakh anthroponyms. ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. Филология сериясы, 177(1), 78–85.