Diagnosis of professional competence future teachers of the Russian language and literature with integrative teaching technology



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Diagnosis of professional competence of future teachers of the Russian language and literature with
integrative teaching technology.
The aim of the study is to consider the potential possibilities of criteria-based assessment (route
map) as the basis of a multidimensional (multistructure, holistic, polysystem) model for the formation
of professional competence of future teachers of Russian language and literature. Polystructurality is
characterized as a set of stable relationships between many elements (subsystems) of a multidimensional
model that ensure its integrity and the nature of the relationships within the system. The multi-system is
the result of the integration of interactive educational technologies that differ in the levels of their goals,
objectives, content.
The authors analyze various approaches to the formation of competence in the process of professional formation of a pedagogical worker and offer activating, intensifying ways of organizing and interacting a teacher and a student, in which the emphasis is transferred from the teacher’s teaching
activity to the student’s cognitive activity. The stage of professional development includes the successive
development of two levels – the informative one, in which professionalism is established in accordance
with a satisfactory level of methodological training at a pedagogical university, and the information one,
in which the future subject subject teacher operates with a variety of forms, methods, and interactive
teaching methods Russian language and literature.




Как цитировать

., Z. T., Mizanbekov, , S., & ., V. D. (2020). Diagnosis of professional competence future teachers of the Russian language and literature with integrative teaching technology. ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. Филология сериясы, 177(1), 230–237. https://doi.org/10.26577/EJPh.2020.v177.i1.ph31



Методика преподавания языка и литературы